Pure Land Diversity

Dancing flames at Po Lin Monastery, Lantau Island, Hong Kong, by kartografia https://www.flickr.com/photos/kartografia/2930512768/

In response to a listener question, we discuss the variety of Pure Land practices outside the Shin and Japanese traditions. We begin by noting that Honen and Shinran set up distinct schools and institutions devoted to a single Pure Land practice (nenbutsu) whereas across the Buddhist world, Pure Land is best understood not as a… Continue reading Pure Land Diversity

Listener question: the future

Prompted by a listener who asked us to speculate on the next century of Buddhism in America, this time around we talk about some current trends and social issues that will no doubt have an influence on the direction of Buddhist sanghas. We start, oddly enough, in the past and consider the surprising twists and… Continue reading Listener question: the future

Reincarnation: part two

In our second conversation about reincarnation, we start off discussing the how the current Dalai Lama's position is predicated on the belief that he is the reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lama and how his reincarnation and the reincarnation of other Lamas creates a certain amount of consternation for the government of the People's Republic… Continue reading Reincarnation: part two